4th International Conference on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change
ESCC 2017 took place at Bellonio Culture Centre, Santorini Island, Greece, on June 12-14, 2017, under the auspices of the University of Florida (UF)-USA, the University of Thessaly (UTH)-Greece and University of Munich (Unibw)-Germany.

Here is the Programme of the Conference and some of the presentations that are available online.
Session 1: Energy & Environment (9:45-11:30)
Chairman: P. Andrianesis
(2) M. Frondel “Germany’s Energiewende: A Tale of Increasing Costs and Decreasing Willingness-To-Pay”.
(3) D. Zissis “Environmental Considerations in Supply Chain Management”.
(4) P. Broukos “Optimized Wastewater Network Topology of a typical resident with the use of metaheuristic algorithms’’.
(6) J. Liao “Deep removal of thiophene from coking benzene”
(7) G. Kayakutlu ” Bayesian Network for Using Electrical Vehicles as Power Storage”
Session 2: Fuels (14:00-15:45)
Chairman: O. Pechak
Session 3: Renewable Energy I (16:00-17:15)
Chairman: D. Zissis
(3) C. Voyant “Kalman filtering and classical time series tools for global radiation prediction”.
Session 4: Renewable Energy II (17:30-19:00)
Chairman: P. Broukos
(1) W. Rivera “Experimental Assessment of a Solar Cooling System for Ice Production”.
(2) B. Torkfar “Feasibility of Using Solar Thermal System for Power Generation in Residential buildings in Middle East”.
(4) S. Herrmann “Efficient utilization of biogas in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells”.
(5) E. Baltas “Assessment of a Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) in a small island in Greece”
Session 5: Operational Research (09:45-11:15)
Chairman: A. Kortsari
(1) D. Wang “A Problem of Non-target Convergence Methods”.
(2) M. Pourakbari Kasmaei “Environmentally Constrained Economic Dispatch Problem— A Unified Model”.
(4) A. Fragogios & G.K.D. Saharidis “Applying Benders Decomposition”.
Session 6: GreenYourMove & Greek LIFE Task Force (11:30-13:00)
Chairman: C. Ntakolia
(1) P. Stratakis “Greek LIFE Task Force”.
(2) G. Saharidis “LIFE GreenYourMove”.
(3) J. Diaz “Eco-driving by replicating best driving practices”.
(5) C. Ntakolia “Air Traffic Management Programming for minimizing energy costs”.
(6) C. Ioakeimidis “A short-term rental E-Bike system for city/island transportation”.
Session 7: Energy Efficiency (14:00-16:00)
Chairman: C. Ioakemidis
(1) C. Tian “Integrated system of vapor compression and thermosyphon based on three-fluid heat exchanger: A reliable and effective way for cooling energy-
saving of data centers”.
(2) H. Reichel “Forecast of recoverable Thermal Energy during the Extrusion of Thermoplastic Pipes”.
(3) D. Kim “Analytical Study on the SCOP Improvement of a Vapor Injection Heat Pump”.
(4) C. S. Heu “Improving thermal performance of organic phase change material”.
(5) J. Lee “Macroscopic behavior of frost growth on the flat plate according to surface temperature”.
(6) Y. Yoon “Optimizing defrost heater control in frost-free household refrigerators”.
(7) S. Moustakidis “Machine learning & application to energy projects”.
Session 8: Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change I (09:45-11:00)
Chairman: S. Moustakidis
(1) S. Demin “Potential conflict zones in Barents Sea”
(2) G. Florides “The effect of CO2 and the sun on global climate”
(3) S. Kalogirou “Thermal properties of rocks and compilation of geothermal maps of Cyprus”
(4) W. Gao “Energy Target of a Fluid Machinery Network in a Circulating Water System”
Session 9: Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change II (11:15-12:45)
Chairman: P. Christodoulides
(1) F. Liu “Bottleneck Identification of Multiple impurities water networks”
(2) O. Pechak “Assessing uncertainties for climate change mitigation and adaptation pathways”
(5) P. Andrianesis “Cost-Based Recovery Mechanisms in a Duopoly with Non-Convex Costs”
Session 10: Energy Systems (14:00-16:00)
Chairman: A. Fragogios
(2) M. Vega “Thermodynamic design data of a single effect LiBr-H2O absorption chiller provided with a membrane-based microchannel absorber for air
conditioning applications”
(4) K. Chrysagis “Introduction to European Funding – H2020”
(5) C. Ntakolia “Innovative Technology for District Heating and Cooling (InDeal Project H2020)”