ESCC 2019 took place at KAM Center of Mediterranean Architecture, Crete Island, Greece, on June 3-7, 2019, under the auspices of the University of Florida (UF)-USA, the University of Thessaly (UTH)-Greece, the University of Calgary – Canada and the University of Beijing Normal University – China.
The book of Abstracts is available HERE
Monday, 3 June 2019
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Gülgün Kayakutlu
Minimizing the imbalance cost for power market participants
Session 1: Decision Making
(1) F. Wirl “Environmental Policy Incentives Facing Private Information”.
(2) M. E. Biresselioglu, M. H. Demir & B. Solak “Decision-Making for Energy Transıtıon in Europe: Evidence from Best Practices and Successful Implementations”.
(3) K. Zhou & L. Wen “A deep recurrent neural network model for building power load forecasting”.
(4) D. Zissis, G. Ioannou & A. Burnetas “Bilateral Information Asymmetry in Inventory Management: Coordination via Mediation”.
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Bin Chen
Urban Water Resource Management in a Nexus Perspective
Session 2: Operational Research
(1) K.Wang “A permit trading scheme for capping issues in energy transition: Case study of coal capacity control in China “.
(2) C. Ferrer, R. Malet, J. Oliver, R. Voces, D. Comellas, R. Aragones “HEAT-R: Waste heat revalorization in Energy Intensive Industries”.
(3) R. N. Alegret, R. Aragones, J. Oliver, C. Ferrer “INDU-EYE Batteryless wireless IOT device for industry 4.0”.
(4) K. Papadogiannis & I. Demetriou “Tracing Electric Energy Spikes by Piecewise Monotonic Data Approximation”.
(5) G. K.D. Saharidis & G. Kalantzis “Monitoring Network for PM2.5”.
Session 3: Transportation
(1) O. Ozener “Inventory Routing Problem: A New Integrated Clustering and Routing Algorithm”.
(2) D. Dimitriou, M. Sartzetaki & A. Karagkouni “Asset Risk Assessment for the Climate Change Implications to Seaports and Airports”.
(3) I. Koulouri “Environmental Criteria in Public Tenders”.
(4) F. Janošťák, R. Šomplák, V. Nevrlý, V. Smejkalová & M. Pavlas “Sensitivity Analysis of Transport Cost in Design of Operations Models”.
(5) G. K.D. Saharidis & Z. Moza “Periodic VRP problem”.
Session 4: Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change I
(1) D. Fang & B. Chen “Water-Energy-Carbon Nexus Driven by Multi-regional Trade Network”.
(2) N. Bolanakis “How to design a lecture using innovative teaching methodologies”.
(3) D. Trachanatzi, M. Rigakis, M. Marinaki & Y. Marinakis “A Green Prize-Collective Vehicle Routing Problem for sustainable tourism”.
(4) E. loupas, A. Vlachaki, E. Kampaki, M. Martavatzi, P. – M. Skentou & E. Paschalidi “Environmental Education and Summer School of Environmental Sciences and Education in Kythera helped to promote the management of solid and liquid coastal litter the year 2017 & 2018”.
(5) V. Máša, M. Touš & E. Konečná “Medical waste management in region – a complex approach”.
(6) P. Broukos “Layout Optimization of existing waste water network in Luxembourg”.
Tuesday, 4 June 2019
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Andreas Poullikkas
Large Scale Integration of Renewable Energy Systems into Electricity Markets
Session 5: Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change II
(1) M. O. Kayalica, A. Ozozen, G. Kayakutlu, K. Tinç & A. A. Bayar “An ann model for the analysis and forecast of household power consumption”.
(2) Ş. Koçoğlu, B. Bilkay & Y. F. Akbaş “Impact of underground gas storage on natural gas market”.
(3) İ. Düzdar, M. Uysal, M. Ö. Kayalıca “Becoming a regional energy hub: A fuzzy cognitive analysis”.
(4) Ü. Çolak & İ. Ersöz “Stochastic evaluation of a tri generation unit: case of a small airport”.
(5) G. K.D. Saharidis & G. Kalantzis “Air Quality Monitoring Network: Optimize location of sensors”.
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Panos Pardalos
Optimization, Modeling, and Data Sciences for Sustainable Energy Systems
Session 6: Power Systems – Renewable Energy
(1) M. Pardalos “Smart /green manufacturing and sustainability”.
(2) D. Balic, M. Mikulic & I. M. Turalija “Grid and Dispatch in South Eastern Europe”.
(3) H. Mengi-Dinçer & V. Ş. Ediger “Contribution of IRENA in Global Transition to Renewable Energy”.
(4) T. Králík, K. Vávrová, J. Bemš & J. Knápek “Biomass briquettes from SRC plantation – economic and environmental aspects of usage for local space heating”.
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Mohsen Jafari
The RU – LESS Energy Modeling and Optimization Platform
Session 7: Emissions
(1) M. Muntean, D. Guizzardi, E. Schaaf, M. Crippa, E. Solazzo, J. Olivier & E. Vignati “The Earth’s dominant climate driver: CO2 from fossil fuel combustion and other anthropogenic activities”.
(2) A. Özözen, G. Kayakutlu, B. Küçükkaraca & O. Kayalica “Fundamental market clearance model considering impact of carbon emissions
(3) J. Yan & H. Li “Heavy Metal Contamination and Sustainable Emission Reduction in Energy Conversion with Contaminated Biomass and Waste fuels”.
(4) M. Touš & M. Vondra “Sustainable digestate treatment in biogas plants”.
(5) G. K.D. Saharidis & A. Galanou “Monitoring the environmental impact of GreenYourMove project”.
Session 8: Process & Optimization
(1) J. Xu & W. Lin “Research on the production of LNG and liquid hydrogen from industrial by-products containing hydrogen and methane”.
(2) S. Y Teng, V. Máša & M. Touš “Integrating Industrial Processes with Neural Learning”.
(3) A. Fragkogios “Timetable Optimization for Public Transport”.
(4) A. Pliousis, K. Andriosopoulos, M. Doumpos & E. Galariotis “A Multicriteria Assessment Approach to the Energy Trilemma”.
(5) M. Roy & S. Ray “A comparative account of detritus food chain around virgin and reclaimed islands of Sundarban estuarine mangrove ecosystem, India: A Modelling study”.
(6) H. B. Arslan, S. Ergun & U. Colak “Development of a framework for electricity generation expansion planning with multiple objectives under uncertainty”.
Wednesday, 5 June 2019
Session 9: Hydroelectricity & Renewable energy
(1) P. Christodoulides, L. Aresti & G. Florides “Experimental validation of a CFD model for spiral Ground Heat Exchangers”.
(2) L. Aresti, R. Ramos, A. Vieira, V. Messaritis, G. Florides & P. Christodoulides “Ground Thermal Characteristics of typical soils in Cyprus for Ground Heat Exchangers”.
(3) N. Soares, A. R. Gaspar, T. Matias, A. G. Lopes, P. N. Simões, L. Durães & J. J. Costa “Temperature regulation of polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic panels with movable thermal energy storage units filled with phase change materials”.
(4) J. Loredo & J Menéndez “Evaluating the integration of renewable energies in the electricity grid”.
Plenary talk
Professor Dr. Soteris Kalogirou
Renewable Energy Systems – Current status and Prospects
Session 10: Energy Systems
(1) E. Bonamente & A. Aquino “Experimental characterization of a PCM thermal storage for ground-source heat pumps”.
(2) N. Alamanis & P. Dakoulas “Effect of the spatial variability of soil properties on the seismic vulnerability of slopes with embedded oil and natural gas pipelines”.
(3) R. Agathokleous, P. Ktistis & S. Kalogirou “Testing of the first PTC system in Cyprus’ biggest soft drinks factory: First operation testing and first short period performance investigation”.
(4) B. Song, X. Ngo, D. Shun, J. Lee, J. Park & J. Park “Dynamic simulation of a drum-type boiler considering the stress inside the steam drum shell”.
Session 11: Energy Efficiency
(1) P. Roach & I. Ugursal “Techno-economic Assessment of Pathways to Net-Zero Energy Houses”.
(2) G. Florides, L. Aresti, V. Messaritis & P. Christodoulides “Performance investigation of a Ground Source Heat Pump system for space heating and cooling of a typical house in moderate climates”.
(3) C. S. Ioakimidis A. Bagheri & K. Gotsis “SEASON, Self-lEarning and self-Adjusting Smart thermOstat for energy demand prediction and optimizatioN in buildings and districts”.
(4) S. Herrmann, S. Kahlert & H. Spliethoff “Innovative compressed air storage concept”.